12801 Venice Blvd. LA, CA 90066
Safety First :
+ We will be screening all Whimsy team members each morning for symptoms and temperature. Whimsy gals will wear face masks, face shields and frequent hand hygiene will be enforced.
Keep it Clean :
+ We will providing guests with hand sanitizer when entering and leaving
+ We will be sanitizing the store between appointments to ensure you and our safety.
+ All areas : door handles (inside and out), surfaces, products, etc. will be disinfected upon opening, closing and in between guests.
Minimal Touch :
+ Please kindly limit handling product you don’t plan on purchasing and know we’ll be happy to assist you
+ Contactless checkout will be available
Mask it out :
+ Face masks are required for entry and must be worn at all times while in the shop.
Social Distancing :
+ We will be complying with reduced capacity measures
+ While browsing in the shop, please remain 6 ft apart unless that person is part of your group