Odessa's Song | Part 1

Odessa's Song | Part 1 - Whimsy & Row

Meet Odessa, a self starter and creatively driven woman. Her story is moving--inspiring to say the least. She's a singer-songwriter playing violin, guitar and piano, making music that is colorful and intimate. She also draws and her work has been featured on various album covers. Odessa's unique sound is what really drew us in. We've seen her play in bands such as Edward Sharpe and Old Crow Medicine Show to name a few.

We continue to follow her journey as she breaks into her solo career and have fallen hard for her latest release, 'I Will Be There'. She explains "Writing music is like an expression of what’s happening in life. It happens differently every time. A lot of my songs are so visual to me, so I see them in colors, washes of colors, and lights."

After meeting her at a friends gathering in Eagle Rock over handmade tarts and full glasses of pinot, instantly we knew our 'About a Musician' inspired lookbook needed to spotlight her. Our vision is to capture a true story within our imagery and display our collection in it's natural element. The shoot took place in Topanga Canyon, engulfed in nature and surrounded by instruments. It was a perfect setting for Odessa, a native Californian. 


Photographer : Michael Giroux
Model : Odessa
Stylist : Whimsy + Row (Rachel Temko)
Asisstant Stylist : Claire Boutwell
Art Department : Rachel & Claire
HMU : Jessica Cook
Listen to her music HERE


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